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Local School District

301 South Oak Street
West Lafayette, OH 43845
Telephone: 740-545-6354
Fax: 740-545-6336

Welcome to OneView

We are pleased and excited to announce Ridgewood OneView - an on-line forms program allowing parents/guardians to maintain required forms on-line. From this page you can access the Parent Portal. Your first step is to set-up your OneView parent account. Please note that in order to set-up an account you must have a vaild e-mail address. If you have a valid e-mail account click on the Parent Portal icon below. 


Parent Portal

If you do not have an e-mail, you can click here to create one.
For addition information please contact one of the following district staff:
Ms. Patti Rohr. EMIS Coordinator/Special Services Secretary, DASL POC
Student Data Coordinator
ph. 740-545-5302

Mr. Chad Vaughn, Technology
ph. 740-545-7644