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Local School District

301 South Oak Street
West Lafayette, OH 43845
Telephone: 740-545-6354
Fax: 740-545-6336


Substitute Teachers

To begin the employment process as a substitute teacher for Ridgewood Local Schools, please submit your application with the Ohio Substitute Teacher Services. The OhioSTS serves as our substitute certified management provider, responsible for the recruitment and employment of substitute teachers.

Ohio Substitute Teacher Services:  www.ohiosts.org

Substitute Teacher Application 

Teacher Applicants

Thank you for your interest in Ridgewood Local Schools. While you are applying for a full-time position, we wanted to make sure you were informed about the daily substitute teaching opportunities available in Ridgewood Local Schools, through the Ohio Substitute Teacher Services.

Why should you consider becoming a Substitute Teacher for Ridgewood Local Schools?

  • Substituting allows you to gain valuable classroom experience
  • Flexible scheduling
  • Opportunity to learn about our district, and for us to learn about you
  • Gain hours toward contribution of STRS (State Teachers Retirement System

Open Positions 2024-25 School Year

Please click on the links below for additional information about open positions.

Open Positions

Employment Application