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301 South Oak Street
West Lafayette, OH 43845
Telephone: 740-545-6354
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602 Johnson Street
West Lafayette, OH 43845
740-545-6345: Phone
740-545-5311: Fax

Ridgewood High School Style Manual

How to Document Resources

The purpose of a works cited page is to give credit to the author/creator and to help the reader find the material referenced in a report.  The following guidelines and examples have been taken from the MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers. 7th ed. NY: MLA, 2009. Print.

For Additional Information or Assistance
For assistance in documenting any type of material not included, please refer to the MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers available in the RHS Library Media Center. Assistance is also available from your teacher or the school library aide.

For information on how to cite Books or Web Resources you may click on the RHS Style Manual Links on the right.  There are also Citiation Maker Links on the right and under Links to Citation Resources below.

The List of Works Cited

Place the list of works cited at the end of the paper.

Begin the list on a new page and number each page, continuing the page numbers of the text. Example, if your research paper ends on page 4, the works cited list begins on page 5.

Right align the page number half an inch from the top.

Center the title, Works Cited, an inch from the top of the page.

Double-space between the title and the first entry.

Double-space the entire list, both between and within entries.

Begin each entry flush with the left margin.

If an entry runs more than one line, indent the subsequent line or lines one-half inch (or five spaces) from the left margin. The format is sometimes called hanging indention.

Alphabetize entries by the first word, usually the author's last name. If the entry begins with a title, alphabetize by the title. Disregard A, An, or The if the first word of the title and alphabetize by the second word. The Encyclopedia of the Holocaust would be alphabetized under E not T.

Continue the list on as many pages as necessary.

Links to Citation Resources

RHS Style Manual Links

Citation Maker Links